Hi, I’m Jan Wilczek,
an audio programmer, musician and entrepreneur.
How can I help You?
I am the founder of WolfSound: a blog and a YouTube channel on audio programming. I am a consultant and an educator in the field of writing sound-processing code.
Since December 2021, I have been working with Loudly GmbH, a Berlin company, on Music Maker JAM as an Audio Developer, focusing mostly on C++ but also using Android technologies like Java or Kotlin when necessary.
In 2021, I graduated from Elite Master’s Programme Advanced Signal Processing & Communications Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nurnberg with GPA 1.0 (best possible). I was also awarded the DAAD Award for Outstanding International Students. My Master Thesis was on the application of deep learning and ordinary differential equations to Virtual Analog modeling of audio effects. The thesis research was carried out in Finland, at the Aalto University with professor Vesa Välimäki and Alec Wright. On the FAU, invaluable supervision came from professor Emanuël Habets.
ASC is a prestigious course of study to which only a few students are accepted (15 out of 500 applications in 2019/2020 academic year). The FAU University cooperates with the Fraunhofer Institute, where the widely-used MP3 audio format was invented.
When not busy with job duties I spend time reading and learning about software programming and entrepreneurship. I am currently engaged in building WolfSound: my own personal brand which would involve teaching about audio programming and sound signal processing. Apart from courses and trainings, I also plan to release my own audio plug-ins for Digital Audio Workstations to aid sound engineers and musicians in the creative process. In spare time that’s left I design and create my own games (‘custom levels’) based on the Tomb Raider engine (view my profile on trle.net), write and record my own music (I play the piano and the guitar) and do sports to avoid striking root into my chair.
Every day I try to learn and grow as much as possible drawing not only from books but mainly from relationships. It is the value of relationships that I treasure the most and I feel ever grateful for each and every person I have met, because most of them turned out to be incredibly amazing and inspiring people with a huge impact on me. Some of them I am blessed and honoured to call now my friends. This trend in my life is not slowing down apparently, through my moves to Germany, then Finland, and then back to Poland. Who knows, maybe You and I will develop a relationship as well?